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Q. When will the Adventures on Planet Zephulor be available?
A. Adventures on Planet Zephulor is available now, see the download link above and below for details.
Q. What kind of gameplay does Adventures on Planet Zephulor have?
A. The bulk of the game play involves finding power-ups and hidden areas and avoiding or squashing strange alien monsters bent on your destruction.

There are a few hidden areas, and in several locations, the player will experience different levels based upon which path is chosen.

There are no lives or continues in the game. If the player dies, he/she simply restarts at the beginning of the level. All creatures and power-ups are persistent in each level, in other words, if all but one enemy has been killed on a level when the player dies, there will only be that remaining creature as the player restarts.
Q. How many different creatures and levels are there?
There are about 15 levels, and different 5 creature types.
Q. Is there a save/load feature?
A. Yes. There is a save slot and a quick save slot. The player may save/load at any time.
Q. Can the key-mappings be customized?
A. Yes. All keys may be re-mapped except for the Escape key, which opens the menu.
Q. What programming language was Adventures on Planet Zephulor written in?
A. Python, using Pygame and SDL.
Q. On what platform(s) is Adventures on Planet Zephulor available?
A. It should be playable on any platform that PyGame can be installed on.
Q. On what platform(s) was Adventures on Planet Zephulor developed?
A. Gentoo Linux, Slackware Linux and FreeBSD.
Q. Is the source available?
Yes, the source is available under the GNU General Public License.
Q. Is there a level editor available?
Yes. The level editor is somewhat buggy, and the character editor is archaic, but both are available with the source release.
Q. What tools were used in the creation of APZ?
A. Gimp was used primarily for the artwork, which was all done by hand with a standard optical mouse.

Vim was used to edit all source code and text files.

Glame was used for audio recording in conjunction with a $14.95 pc microphone. Guitar sounds were recorded via direct connection of an electric guitar into a Sound Blaster Live! audio card. Lame was used to encode the music files into mp3.

Other tools used for audio effects: A balloon, a coffee can, and walnuts cracked with a nut cracker.
Q. Is it just me, or has the name of this game changed a couple of times?
A. Er... Umm... Hey! Look over there, is that cow really flying do you think? Perhaps it was launched from a catapult, eh?
Q. I have a question that wasn't answered here...
A. You can send any questions to: info@hollowworks.com

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